The eyes of the world press are on the Copenhagen Environmental Conference. Our client Essent is looking for ways to communicate its sustainable ambitions. The concept for the programme emerges from the 'radio silence' that characterises the energy sector in the run-up to the Environmental Conference. We are looking to spearhead communications. Encouraging electric transport is a clear and unambiguous message. Under the motto 'youth has the future', Buijs Beyond Events designs a unique multi-day programme in which young students from the Netherlands, Germany and Denmark play a prominent role. 

In three groups, the students (three hundred in total) will travel on electric scooters from 's-Hertogenbosch to Copenhagen, On the way, the students will write a manifesto in which they will set out their vision of promoting sustainable transport worldwide.

Fueled in the process by presentations and lectures by renowned scientists, entrepreneurs and CEOs.

The results are worth it: a long list of media moments including a news item in the 8 o'clock news, access to the press room of the climate conference, presenting the manifesto to three environment ministers and, last but not least, an inspiring journey to Copenhagen without any noteworthy accidents or incidents.

Months of intensive preparation, lobbying sponsors and governments and organising recruitment activities for the students; it was all part of Buijs Beyond Events' remit.  Besides 100 electric scooters, the caravan consisted of a team of over 40 people led by Buijs Beyond Events and responsible for, among other things, the daily video news, external speakers and contact with local authorities, traffic safety, transport, first aid and housing.